A constant fountain
It’s a constant fountain, a source of refreshment, to go to the masters. They have done so much that we can learn from.
—Maurice Sendak
For the past five years, I’ve been doing what I like to call my “learn from the greats” studies. I started them because I was learning the form of picture books, exploring my voice, and needing mentorship without the money for it.
I read hundreds of picture books, studied the lives and creative processes of great creators, and made my own stories. After about 3-4 years, I connected with my amazing agent, we got some book deals, and I’m STILL doing these learn from the greats studies.
Because as Maurice Sendak said, the greats are a freaking fountain of refreshment! (I embellished a little.)
As I immerse myself in the Sendak world this week, I thought it would be fun to try out some of Sendak’s fountains of inspiration:
William Blake
Emily Dickinson
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
And if I have the time, I’ll also check out Schubert, Hugo Wolfe, Palmer, Proust, Eliot, Middlemarch, Randolph Caldecott, George Cruikshank, Ludwig Richter, Wilhelm Busch, A. B. Frost, Edward Windsor Kemble, Ernst Kreidolf, Hans Fischer, André François, Watteau, Goya, Winslow Homer, Mahler, Beethoven, Wolf, Wagner, Verdi, Walt Disney, James, Stendhal, D. H. Lawrence, or Melville
Up until he passed away, Sendak was always talking about the stuff that he was learning from his inspirations in interviews. I want to be a life long learner like that. Honestly, I can’t help myself. My curiosity drives me to do these studies. But I also believe that if I’m going to put lots of stories into the world, I need to put lots of stories into my mind and soul. When all those combine with what makes me ME, something magical happens.
As I face this year, that is one thing I’m looking forward to: the magic. Wishing you a year full of magic!